This is my blog for my Clash Royale Engine. Here, I'll post update notes and my plans to continue and extend this project.
Just added a patch to the engine! Now the King and Princess towers have rectangular collision with spells. That is, NT projectiles and T projectiles wil work as though they have a rectangular collision, but melee units and mass calculations will use the original circular collision.
Also patched a fringe issue with Log - now it should work more reliably. And Log got its additional .5 tile removed now that rectangular collision is working and it doesn't need it.
All in all, solid updates that should improve system accuracy and reliability.
In other news, check out my full blog here:
UPDATE: Added 6 more Classic decks, including 3 from Season 14 and 3 from Season 12. Added 6 Retro decks that will work with Retro mode.
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a lot of time to work on this lately. But very shortly I'm going to have a lot of free time. I know this could use some updates, so I will provide them.
First step; tonight I made some site-wide updates. Added this section in so that I could post updates here. And I improved the headers and got rid of that bottom scrollbar that's been bothering me for a while.
Balances should be in tonight as well. Personal opinion: I think these were pretty fair in most cases. Although I think that spells in general weren't the problem - Rocket was. I'd have just reduced the Crown Tower damage for it. And that Miner nerf was probably a bit overkill... All in all I'm expecting a Beatdown-focused meta.
Anyway, with that said, I plan on working on the card creation tool a bit more shortly - expect some updates next week. And there's some changes that I need to make to the towers. Square collision might take me a while, but it is definitely needed. And I should probably make some other fixes.
In terms of other projects, I kind of want to make a more personal blog as well. (Yes, this is a blog, but I want to keep this for things relating to this project and Clash Royale in general.) That'll take some time, as I want to add some better HTML to that. Because in terms of HTML... well... I could use some work on that.
Well, I'm off to nerf the Miner. I'll add something here when I'm able to start work on the next round of updates.
UPDATE - Balances completed! Sorry for the downtime for the past hour (11PM EST) - arrays are hard. Log is 0.5 tiles longer than it should be - otherwise it cannot hit the tower without rectangular collision. Again, will fix that soon and will then update Log to fix it.